So I'm not a huge fan of ultrasounds. My OB uses them at my visits to take a quick peek at baby, and the machine she uses is very old and not invasive at all. She respects that I'm not a huge fan so she literally just uses it for 2 or 3 minutes to check position and then is done. However, she mentioned that I could get a nice fancy ultrasound. (she loves looking at the babies) I decided to cave...I figured it would ease my mind to see for myself that things were okay and there were no big complications. We decided to forego all genetic testing (except for spina bifida) so I figured this would be a good indicator that all was healthy and well and no huge terminal surprises were among us.
I chose to forego genetic testing, largely because the issues we were testing for were things we could live with. I explained to my OB that the only thing I'd really want to know was if there was something terminal, because I'd want to prepare. I figured this ultrasound would be a good way to rule some more of that out. (Not that I was really all that worried in the first place) I knew if I was going to do an ultrasound, I wanted to go before 24 weeks. After 24 weeks, they become largely inaccurate and it is much easier for doctors to "find things." I didn't want anything found. With my last pregnancy, they found low fluid...I do not need that again! Ultrasounds can be very inaccurate at these findings the bigger the baby since this ultrasound went so well, I will trust that everything is fine and I'm on track to have a great birth! Now for some fun, I'll share some of our pictures.
Our cute little Baby Goose! |
You can see the arches in the foot! |
This little one is shy...those hands were not moving! |
Hands in the face and legs crossed! |
Our neonatologist was retired Army. He decided to have some fun with us...but Goose decided to flip him the bird. |
All in all, it was a good time! The general consensus is that we have a very healthy baby. Everything is where it should be. One thing I thought was really cool, was that when checking my ovaries they could tell which side I ovulated from. Maybe I'm the only one who gets excited about that kind of stuff, but I think it's neat. Another really cool aspect is that I think this baby looks a lot like my oldest son. I see a lot of similar features.
So there you have first, and last ultrasound. Next time you see this will be on the outside!
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